About Houston Intergroup
Intergroup supports all AA meetings in the Greater Houston area.
What Intergroup Does
Manages www.aahouston.org (this website), which includes an online meeting guide, events calendar, an online store for books and supplies, and information resources.
Operates a retail bookstore for individuals and for meeting and group supplies.
Coordinates 24-hour phone hotline for callers seeking help.
- In the Greater Houston Area, call 713-686-6300.
- From outlying areas, call Toll Free 877-390-6300.
Helps newcomers, out-of-town visitors and other alcoholics find meetings.
Serves as a central source of information on AA activities, AA literature, and special events.
Maintains a 12th Step call list.
Publishes The Link, an AA community newsletter. SUBSCRIBE
Finances the cost of providing qualified signers for hearing-impaired AA members at various meeting sites.
Carries the message, provides public information and supports the activities of the Intergroup Correctional Facilities Committee.
Publishes a meeting schedule online and in print.
Communicates with the AA General Service Office and responds to requests received.
Cooperates with Southeast Texas Area Assembly, Area 67.
Provides literature to local conventions or conferences on request.
Keeps custody of a library of AA archives compiled by Intergroup.
The Houston Intergroup Office
The Houston Intergroup Office is located in Northwest Houston, near the junction of Hwy 290 and the 610 Loop. Office hours are 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday through Friday. We’re closed normal holidays. The address is:
- 5151 Mitchelldale, Suite B10
- Houston, Texas, 77092
Retail Bookstore Location
We maintain a retail, walk-in bookstore within the Intergroup offices where individuals in recovery can purchase books, literature and gifts, and representatives of AA meetings and groups can buy all necessary supplies. VISIT OUR RETAIL LOCATION
Meetings in Spanish
Houston has many Spanish speaking AA meetings. This website offers an automated translation tool (upper right). Spanish meetings are notated on the Meeting Guide. You may also contact the Spanish Intergroup at http://intergrupohispanohouston.us
Houston Intergroup has excellent conference and meeting spaces available for AA-related events. LEARN MORE…
Volunteer at Intergroup
Intergroup is always in need of volunteers, so if you’re looking for a service opportunity, give us a call and we’ll put you to work. Opportunities include:
- Answering Intergroup phones
- Setting up for events
- Special projects
Board of Trustees
Intergroup Association, Inc. is managed by an elected Board of Trustees. If you have a concern to share with the Board, or if you would simply like to learn more about what the Board does or how you might serve, call 713-686-6300.
Administrative Records
As a 501(c)3 non-profit, Houston Intergroup Association’s administrative records are available for public view. VIEW PUBLIC RECORDS